Sermons On Demand 2024.These sermons first became available to churches in November 2023 for use over the following summer and six months as needed in church services. They are now publicly available - we hope you find the helpful. Some have a one-page PDF with summary and discussion questions.
19m | December 12, 2023
Nicola Mountfort Griffiths
This woman has a story to tell! Leaning on research about first-century marriage in Palestine, plus a touch of creative license, we hear from the Samaritan woman about her encounter with Jesus. She concludes by challenging us with some questions about our own encounters with Jesus.
17m | December 11, 2023
John Tucker
Who is Jesus Christ? Why is he so incredible? This message seeks to answer those questions by examining Jesus’ encounter with three of his close friends on the eve of the first Easter. In this remarkable story, we see why Jesus is so incredible and why he’s worthy of our worship.
23m | December 10, 2023
Christa McKirland
Walking through Acts 8:26-40, we look at how the Spirit is involved throughout the story of the pursuit and inclusion of the Ethiopian eunuch. In this passage, we see God’s love for the world, God’s love for the person, and how God equips us to be agents of love for the world.
19m | December 9, 2023
Andrew Picard
What can we learn about Shrewdness and wealth?
19m | December 8, 2023
Monica Carey
Grace comes to the most unlikely people. Don’t miss it.
25m | December 7, 2023
Jono Edmeades
What does encountering Jesus mean for our part in His mission amidst the violence of our hearts and our world?
17m | December 6, 2023
Martin Sutherland
Jesus’ stories always contain an element of surprise. His story of the loving Samaritan is certainly shocking. Shocking, of course, because it shows this supposed heretic in a good light, but also because Jesus forces his questioner to see the world differently.