Welcome to CareyOPEN, a podcast where we open a window into the Carey world! Each week as a college, we gather in our chapel to hear great biblical preaching from our faculty and guests. This year (2024), our preaching theme is ‘Mentored for Ministry’. We’re working our way through the pastoral letters of Timothy and Titus, exploring how an experienced leader affirms, guides and challenges younger colleagues into faithfulness and effectiveness in their ministry contexts. We hope you find this as stimulating as our students do!
19m | February 5, 2025
Katie Cuttriss
Does our character and our actions give witness to the beauty of the gospel? Paul uses the model of a Godly household for missional living in an infamously immoral context. Katie draws the connection to the witness our contemporary Christian household is giving in light of the recent RCI report. She points us to the necessity of sound teaching and the grace of God.
22m | January 30, 2025
Paul Windsor
In these verses, we see that the apostle Paul carries many people in his heart. We look into the nature of his relationships and how hope and trust in God shape how we engage with the people in our lives.
29m | January 23, 2025
John Tucker
Open up a scripture that helps us to understand who we are as servants of Jesus and what it means to be emboldened and engaged in the ministry of Jesus.
22m | January 16, 2025
Dan Cuttriss
Remain faithful to the work of the gospel, be strong, embrace suffering, have hope.
24m | January 9, 2025
Nicola Mountfort Griffiths
In Paul’s last letter to Timothy, he urges him to keep going even though it’s tough and rekindle the fire of the Holy Spirit so that the gospel truthfully passes to the next generation.
21m | November 27, 2024
Sam Kilpatrick
The church leader, Titus, is left behind on the island of Crete to help the quickly expanding local gatherings of ‘The Way’ seek good leadership. We wonder together what that might have been like and what it might have meant in that time and place. Description: As you listen to this message, you will quickly realise that Sam is inviting you on a journey through the eyes of a Cretan church leader, the apostle Paul, and Titus. These first-person perspectives bring us new thoughts and insights as we seek to understand the beginning chapter of Titus.
21m | July 29, 2024
Julie Chamberlain
Julie Chamberlain, Community Pastor at Oxford Terrace Baptist Church (Christchurch), preaches on 1 Timothy 6:17-21.
28m | July 22, 2024
Andrew Picard
Coming to the end of his time on staff with Carey Baptist College, Andrew shares what he learned from his callings in leadership and how leadership is done in the way of the cross.
29m | July 15, 2024
Emma Stokes
Paul continues his instructions to God’s household for the sake of the gospel. He emphasises the radical consequences of living out our identity as sisters and brothers in Christ, even under the oppression of slavery. He calls the church, then and now, to hold fast to Godly teaching and be communities shaped by the love of God.
21m | July 7, 2024
Geoff New
Isaiah 6 has two strong threads running through its mysterious and confronting content: human experience and divine intervention. This sermon considers how Isaiah 6 interweaves both threads.
26m | July 1, 2024
William HC
Are good leaders born or made? Are they found or formed? Culture and context will shape our answer as we guard the gospel of Christ. William invites us to put on honour-shame glasses when considering Paul’s pastoral wisdom to Timothy, the young church planter. We’ll see how these instructions to honour spiritual kaumātua or elders who lead beautifully, rebuke those who don’t and even drink a little wine without fear of being cancelled all still have relevance for Christians seeking to honour Christ in today’s culture.
54m | June 20, 2024
Ellen Davis, Te Hira Paenga, Anameka Paenga, Jill Firth, Frederico Villanueva, Brian Fiu Kolia and Lani Alo, with Michael Rhodes
Michael Rhodes talks with some of the keynote speakers of the upcoming 'Tuning our hearts to the Psalms' conference (17-18 July 2024) in Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland, New Zealand. We hope you enjoy listening in and perhaps even get inspired to register for the conference at carey.ac.nz.
26m | June 14, 2024
Helen Brereton
What attitude should church leaders have towards those they shepherd? And how do you care for those in need with limited resources? In 1 Timothy 5:1-16, Paul first encourages young Timothy to treat all his congregation with the same care and honour he would give his own family. He then presents an ancient congregational-care case study that has helpful applications for churches and organisations today that seek to care well when resources are limited.
29m | May 23, 2024
Melissa Wilson
Melissa Wilson, Pastor at Beachlands Baptist Church, teaches leaders to be aware of the quiet killers, set up training plans, and find their champions.
29m | April 22, 2024
Michael Rhodes
1 Timothy 3 ends with some of the most beautiful, exhilarating God-talk in all of Paul’s letters. However, the passage begins with a teaching about leadership that we will almost certainly find off-putting. What might Paul’s words tell us about God’s invitation to have our lives shattered and re-made by an encounter with Jesus? And what might he teach us about the “beautiful work” that leaders in God’s church can do to help us along the way?
33m | April 21, 2024
Jonny Weir
These eight verses have been a lightning rod for Christians and our debates about the role of women and men in the church. Jonny looks at the passage in the light of the church’s witness and the destructive effects a localised heresy is having on the believers in Ephesus. Studying the text through this lens leads to four contemporary insights for the church today.
24m | April 20, 2024
George Wieland
What is the priority for new (and old) churches in their life, learning and worship? According to Paul, “first of all”, they should learn to pray – for societies and communities and those whose decisions and actions affect them. This anchors the believers in what God wants for the world and turns them outwards to participate in God's saving purpose. Does the worship of our churches do that?
22m | April 19, 2024
Christa McKirland
No matter who you are, your story matters, and it directs your ministry. That for which we are called, we are also empowered to accomplish.
30m | April 18, 2024
Jonathan Robinson
In the first paragraphs of this letter, Paul outlines his purpose in writing to Timothy and the problem they have in Ephesus with false teachers. He also introduces the theme of the letter: that everyone will “know how to behave in the household of God.”
01m | April 17, 2024
John Tucker
Welcome to CareyOPEN, a podcast where we open a window into the Carey world!