I was enjoying singing “Hosanna, hosanna, here comes the King of Peace” on Palm Sunday in our local church. There didn’t seem to be much peace in our city, but I prayed that each person there would find peace in their hearts.
I noticed a young man at the back of the church who I hadn’t seen before. He slipped out during the final prayer. As I was preaching on Good Friday, I noticed him there again. Later, on my way home, I saw him at the metro station. As we talked, he shared that he was searching for peace for himself and his people. His train came—he stayed talking. Then my train came—I got on, only to hear God’s voice telling me to get off and finish the conversation.
On Easter Sunday, he was at church again. During communion, he walked right up to the front and took the bread and juice. As I served him, he said, “Today I have taken his name.” Once again, he left before the end of the service.
I never discovered his name, and often wonder what happened to him. I’m trusting that our brief encounter has been used for good and for God’s purposes. Please pray for this new believer.
From an overseas worker in South Asia