An update from Co-Chairs of Baptist Women, Heather Ameye-Bevers and Monique Lee, for 2022.
The Queen is dead...Long live the King! The transition from one leader to another is rarely easy. Thatu2019s true for this generation of younger Baptists who want to see diversity because they know, from qualitative research, that diversity brings richness, new ideas and a way to reach different people. How are Baptists going with that diversity? Especially when, historically, the male and female balance of leadership has not been great. The good news is there is some progress for Baptist women pastors.
In 2021 the total number of women pastors grew by 2%. There are now 190 male sole or senior pastors, and 27 female sole, senior and co-pastors.
The challenge is we have a long way to go for a male and female balance! Here are some things Baptist Women have been doing to bring about change:
Gender bias training for Carey Baptist College Pastoral Leadership students
Baptist Women have been given the opportunity to spend a two-hour intensive class with the Pastoral Leadership students at Carey Baptist College, looking at gender bias. The wonderful thing about this class is that it will provide a space to help women critique their inner voices. It will also be a space to upskill men and women on how to advocate for women in leadership effectively and constructively. While our Baptist movement has made great strides in promoting and accepting that God does indeed call women to ministry, ongoing work remains to be done.
- To educate women pastors to prepare them to work as smart as possible within the challenges they will face as women
- To educate men on how to advocate for women, how to create equal space, and provide a moment in anotheru2019s shoes
Baptist Women long to see churches accepting women lead pastors without hesitation, who are free to pursue their calling.
- Baptist Womenu2019s Online Mini Summit 2022 in October with keynote speakers Christa McKirland (theologian), Daphne Marsden (domestic violence researcher), and Rachel Renata (activist and Carey student)
- We seek to support women Youth Pastoral Leadership and women Pastoral Leadership students at Carey Baptist College and as they head into active ministry
Resourcing -
- Parental Leave Policies for women pastorsu2014in the Baptist Administration Manual
- Resources for local Womenu2019s Ministry, e.g. Pink Ribbon Breakfasts, Paint the Canvas, Create for Cancer
- Resources for the International Day of Women Service
- Stand Against Domestic Violence -
- Tuakana - Teina Mentoring u2013 Launch at Hui 2022
- Womenu2019s Week of Prayer u2013 Went out to all Baptist Pastors and on Facebook
- Clusters for Peer Supervision and developing women leaders u2013 resources on the Baptist Women website
- Womenu2019s History Month & Sunday
- Leadership Sunday u2013 Resources on the Baptist Women website
International Baptist connections
- Liaising with the Australian Womenu2019s Board to share resources around the Pacific:
- Working with Baptist Women of the Pacific on domestic violence resources
- November 14th World Baptist Womenu2019s Day of Prayer
If you have any questions about Baptist Women, please donu2019t hesitate to contact Monique Lee or Heather Ameye-Bevers by emailing us at [email protected]
This update is from the 2022 Annual Report of the Baptist Churches of New Zealand, which you can view here.